
Friday 15 December 2023

Pythia 7 - Pindar

The great city of Athens is the loveliest
invocation, to cast down as foundation stone for the song
to magnify the wide-flung strength of the sons of Alkmaion, and their victory with horses.
What country could you live in? what habitation? 
and name one more conspicuous for all Hellas to attend.

In every city the tale is an intimate thing
of the citizens of Erechtheus. At holy Pytho, Apollo,
they made magnificent the front of your templed house.
I am guided by five wins at the Isthmos, one pre-eminent
at Olympia, Zeus' own,
two victories gained from Kirrha—

yours, Megakles, and your fathers' before you.
In your late success I find some pleasure, but am troubled
at rancour changing beautiful things done. Even so, men say,
blessedness that remains
by a man to blossom over him brings,
with good, some things that are otherwise.

Pindar (c. 522 B.C. - 438 B.C.) Greece
Translated by Richmond Lattimore
Source: Odes of Pindar, selected and translated by Richmond Lattimore, University of Chicago Press, 1947

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