
Saturday 25 November 2023

The Night You Went Away - José María Contursi

when your face appears in my dreams,
fleeting and radiant as a ray of sunlight,
I feel as though your hands warm mine
as they shiver with cold, and you declare your love!
Then slowly you cradle my soul to sleep
with the sweet lullaby of an old song—
the same one you sang when you were mine…
a feverish specter that mockingly disappears.

The night you went away

(the saddest night of all)
the moon turned pale
and my loneliness turned grayer still…
The rain against the windowpane
punishing my angst,
as the wind whispers
that you’ll never come back again.
The night you went away
snow fell on my weariness
and a breath of cold
enfolded everything…
My dreams and my youth
fell down dead at your goodbye…
The night you went away
my heart went away too…

Stronger than your forgetting,
than time, than distance,
my despair is cruelly invaded
by regret for everything in the past—
everything in my tragic, mocking past!
That’s why when your face looms in my dreams
and you softly sing that old song,
I become for a moment who I was back then,
happy and radiant as a ray of sunlight.

José María Contursi (1911 - 1972) Argentina
Translated by Derrick Del Pilar

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