
Saturday 4 November 2023

Ribs - Danielle Boodoo-Fortuné

This is not a poem about
the sound of my voice.

This is a poem about ribs,
and about how hard it can be
to hold a body together.

This is a poem about your last life,
where you lived among
the hard white trees, where
the man with smoke on his hands
held you,
as though
there would be no lives
but this.

Remember this: the night
will not leave you.
There is nothing here
to outlive.

Each time you wipe the earth
from your wet heart,
you find this poem
happening on your tongue,
hot, gritty and new.

For it is hard to keep poems
from claiming your bones,
especially when you are prone
to reckless memory.

It is hard to keep poems
from curling along your spine
and blooming, especially
when there is nothing to be had
beyond your window but
bricks and bright noise.

So gather your lives
and keep them here:
against your left lung.

For you see, this is a poem
about longing. It is not about
the sound of my voice at all.

This is a poem
About ribs. 

Danielle Boodoo-Fortuné (born 1986) Trinidad
Source: Moko Issue 1

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