
Sunday 29 October 2023

Asking for Blessing - Anonymous (traditional Gikuyu tribal prayer)

Say ye, the elders may have wisdom and speak with one voice.
Praise ye Ngai. Peace be with us.

Say ye that the country may have tranquillity and the people may continue to increase.
Praise ye Ngai. Peace be with us.

Say ye that the people and the flocks and the herds may prosper and be free from illness.
Praise ye Ngai. Peace be with us.

Say ye the fields may bear much fruit and the land continue to be fertile
Praise ye Ngai. Peace be with us.

Anonymous  (Gikuyu tribal prayer) (pre 20th century) Kenya
Source: Facing Mount Kneya, Jomo Kenyatta, Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1928

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