
Thursday 21 September 2023

Yesterday - Bruce Levitan

These grey skies stretch like dirty washing
Enclosing the trampled ground,
Itself endlessly grey with rubble and detritus.
Here and there a scarecrow dog or cat
Picks its way across the broken streets,
And some weary brown weeds push through
The broken concrete.
A wind blows, laden with dust
Choking the few who wander out
In spite of their scarf-wrapped mouths.

The sea is not far from here,
But the shoreline is a greasy, congealed mess:
Plastic, and rotten bird and fish carcases – 
The smell is putrefaction;
Whilst what laps the shores
Is a green alga-infested sludge,
Patched with dark oily scales.

From its underground shelter
A child asks its mother:
“What are these?”
(Pointing to a photo of trees in a book).
“Yesterday,” she replies,
“When we had the chance to save them…
But didn’t.”

Bruce Levitan (born 1955) England (born: Kenya)

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