
Sunday 13 August 2023

You Changeless One, Whom Nothing Changes - Søren Kierkegaard

You Changeless One, whom nothing changes! You who are changeless in love, whojust for our own good do not let yourself change-would that we also might will our own well-being, let ourselves be brought up, in unconditional obedience, by your changelessness to find rest and to rest in your changelessness! You are not like a human being. Ifhe is to maintain a mere measure ofchangelessness, he must not have too much that can move him and must not let himself be moved too much. But everything moves you, and in infinite love. Even what we human beings call a trifle and unmoved pass by, the sparrow's need, that moves you; what we so often scarcely pay attention to, a human sigh, that moves you, Infinite Love. But nothing changes you, you Changeless One! 0 you who in infinite love let yourself be moved, may this our prayer also move you to bless it so that the prayer may change the one who is praying into conformity with your changeless will, you Changeless One! 

Søren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855) Denmark
Source: The Changelessness of God by Søren Kierkegaard [in: Kierkegaard's Writings, XXIII, Volume 23: The Moment and Late Writings. Princeton University Press, 2009] 

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