
Wednesday 2 August 2023

A Poet Looks At The Moon - Chang Jo Hsu

I hear a woman singing in my garden,
But I look at the moon in spite of her.

I have no thought of trying to find the singer
Singing in my garden;
I am looking at the moon.

And I think the moon is honouring me
With a long silver look.

I blink
As bats fly black across the ray;
But when I raise my head the silver look
Is still upon me.

The moon delights to make eyes of poets her mirror,
And poets are many as dragon scales
On the moonlit sea.

Chang Jo Hsu [Zhang Ruoxu] (660 - c.720) China
Tranlsated by Edward Powys Mathers
Source: The Garden of Bright Waters: One Hundred and Twenty Asiatic Love Poems, Translated by Edward Powys Mathers, Houghton Mifflin, 1920 [Project Gutenberg]

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