
Wednesday 19 July 2023

The perfect night - Dorji Thangzom

The spotted lights I see 
on the valleys beyond,
calls for me every night I feel 
alone and exhausted
and also reminds me that 
indeed life is beautiful!

The moon,
who is just peeping with its half body
from the sky winks, saying ''You are doing great
till now and will do further." making me 
more optimistic, in the world
where I belong. 

The moment I am in 
just now, is so fragile and calm. 
I want to have this feeling
for eons and eons. 
Dark surrounds me 
with sprinkled lights to every sides.
And the night feels just PERFECT.

My thoughts get cleared 
like the sky above, filled and complete 
with the little stars around. 
In this silent night, barking dogs
and the birds chirping, makes my heart 
more in peace. While the cars moving 
up and down, even don't dare 
to distract me at all.

This perfect night,
I longed for you always,
This is the night
which accompanies my soul, 
the only soul who just feels 
the hollowness and emptiness of the
Uncertain world.

Dorji Thangzom (21st century) Bhutan
Source: Poetry Soup

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