
Wednesday 12 July 2023

The flying Elephant - Zamir Osorov

It is not a Fan
But this poetry
Pretends to look like an Elephant.
I hope not in the shop of dishes,
It’s just a giant cloud-like formation
and weightless tissues
that covered for an instant some part of
Or others' extraordinary fantasies and mirages.
But it has brought some sendings and informations 
That maybe has been vital for people
Who have lived underneath and whose 
Eyes have been sharpened for details and polishing with them,
But who lost capacity for seeing the world globally
As might Elephant winding in the sky awkwardly
Who kept friendship with air castles catching dreamily
But also with typhoons and cyclones and UFOs
For meeting with them we must be firmly prepared. 

Zamir Osorov (20th century) Kyrgyzstan
Source: Poetry Soup (with some revisions by B Levitan)

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