
Monday 17 July 2023

Sport Türkmenistan - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow

Here is a poem of flowers and trees
Here is a music of mountains and sea
Beautiful sides of rivers and sky
All other beauties in Turkmenistan!
The river is raging and the garden has blossomed
A proud head like a mountain, the heart is the sky
Blooming, blooming my dear
Country of music - Turkmenistan!
Turkmenistan! Turkmenistan!
How is amazing the place Awaza,1
Caspian waves are bursting up-down,
Life is so wonderful in motherland,
My splendid and dazzling Turkmenistan!
Sport! Türkmenistan! Beautiful Awaza!
The Silk Road2 extends to Amul-Hazar3
The loud voice of sport, fitness,
Turkmenistan, Awaza, the place if the happiness
Sport and the health is inspiration
Makes body strong and strong all the nation,
Gives you a joy and raise very high,
Sport is a way to your healthy life.
Beautiful Avaza is the birthplace of light
The Caspian waves are bursting up-down,
White roads lead to the future,
Forward, only forward, my dear Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan! Turkmenistan!

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow (born 1957) Turkmenistan
Translated by Balkantürk
  1. A tourist zone located in Türkmenbaşy. Its basically a load of hotels in a row on the banks of the Caspian sea. There is also an artificial 7km canal
  2. Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China
  3. Turkmen Desert Race

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