
Thursday 8 June 2023

This is me and my life - Akkina Downing

They said it’s time I settle down
If I can’t find a man of my own 
They will be pleased to help me with that
They’re going to find me my man 

They’re talking about me
As if they’re advertising me publicly 
Like I’m up for sale 
Ready to be picked off the dusty shelf 

Do I not have my rights anymore
What is life without your own rights
Is life only complete when sharing with someone

But what’s wrong with my free spirited life 
I’m happy
I’m enjoying life freely and joyously 
I’m please to say my freedom is my happiness 

This is me my body and my life 
I hold the wheel but trust God to guide me 
My life isn’t perfect but I am living in the moment
My freedom let’s me do as I please

So put a stop to make me your business 
I maybe journeying alone but never lonely 
Who said happiness is only when coupling 
Happiness is your free will and to know God 

It’s unbeknownst when 
It’s unbeknownst whom
My heart be captured by IF EVER
But I’m not dying to get there to find out

I’m exploring life in my fearless freedom 
Because the possibilities are unbounded 
This world is full of life and adventure 
I am a free soul seeker with a passion to experiencing my true self life 

 And with that said
This is me and my life 
I make my decision choosing my path 
And until then I’m driving solo singing loudly 

Akkina Downing (21st century) Micronesia
Source: Poetry Soup

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