
Friday 16 June 2023

The living God we praise - Moses ibn Ezra

The living God we praise, exalt, adore!
He was, He is, He will be evermore.

No unity like unto His can be,
Eternal, inconceivable, is He.

No form or shape has th’ Incorporeal One,
Most holy beyond all comparison.

He was, ere aught was made in heaven or earth,
But His existence has no date or birth.

Lord of the Universe is He proclaimed,
Teaching His power to all His hand has framed.

He gave His gift of prophecy to those
In whom He gloried, whom He loved and chose

No prophet ever yet has filled the place
Of Moses, who beheld God face to face.

Through him (the faithful in his house) the Lord
The law of truth to Israel did accord.

This law God will not alter, will not change
For any other through time's utmost range.

He knows and heeds the secret thoughts of man,
He saw the end of all ere aught began.

With love and grace doth He the righteous bless,
He metes out evil unto wickedness.

He at the last will His anointed send,
Those to redeem, who hope and wait the end.

God will the dead to life again restore,
Praised be His glorious name for evermore.

Moses ibn Ezra [Rabbi Moses ben Jacob ibn Ezra, known as Ha-Sallaḥ] (ca. 1055-60 to after 1138) Spain
Translated by Alice Lucas
Source: Songs of Zion by Hebrew singers of mediaeval times., Mrs. Henry (Alice) Lucas, Dent, 1894

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