
Wednesday 14 June 2023

Immortal Youth - Khushal Khattak

My two-and-sixty years are flown,
Swift years of sorrow and delight, 
And now my hair, no longer black,
Is turned at last a silvery white; 
But ah, my heart still young remains,
Unchanged by fortune foul or fair; 
And spite of frost and snow, I see
The golden summer everywhere.

Khushal Khattak [Khošāl Khān Khaṭak aka Khushal Baba] (1613 – 1689) Pakistan
Translated Frederic Rowland Marvin
Source: Flowers of song from many lands; being short poems and detached verses gathered from various languages and rendered into English by Frederic Rowland Marvin, Pafraets Book Company, 1902

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