
Saturday 10 June 2023

For a Little Sister, not to Grow - Zvisinei C. Sandi

Don’t grow Midi,
Remain gold
Don’t let the passing of the years
Turn you into yet
Some more waste

The world is a lovely place Midi
When you are young
It makes you believe in it and
Trust in it and
Think it goes on forever

But soon you are grown
Only to find that
The glowing flower withers and
The green grass dries up and
Everything has an end

Watch the sun at dawn little sister
Ruby gold and smiling
But watch it at midday and
It’s embittered and
It’s cruel and
Scowling at you

See the budding leaf Midi
’Tis pure gold
But look again and 
Then you’ll find
That the days pass on and
Everything reduced to waste and
Even the innocent golden leaf

Then let your arms encircle me Midi
And hug
Tight, tight

And let me cry
For pain and
Loss and
For love that ends too quickly

And cry, Midi
For Eden that turns into hell

Don’t grow, Midi
Remain gold.

Zvisinei C. Sandi (21st century) Zimbabwe
Source: Crossing Borders Issue 12

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