
Tuesday 27 June 2023

Bright Thoughts for a Dark Day - Pamelia Sarah Yule

Will the shadows be lifted to-morrow? — 
Will the sunshine come ever again? — 
Will the clouds, that are weeping in sorrow,
Their glorious beauty regain? 
Will the forest stand forth in its greenness? — 
The meadows smile sweet as before? — 
And the sky, in its placid sereneness. 
Bend lovingly o'er us once more? 

Will the birds sing again as we heard them, 
Ere the tempest their gentle notes hushed? — 
Will the breeze float again in its freedom, 
Where lately its melody gushed? 
Will the beautiful angel of sunset 
Drape the heavens in crimson and gold, 
As the day-king serenely retireth
'Mid grandeur and glory untold? 

Yes the clouds will be lifted to-morrow, 
From valley, and hill-top, and plain; 
And sunshine, and gladness, and beauty 
Will visit the landscape again; — 
The forest, the field, and the river 
Will bask in the joy-giving ray; 
And the angel of sunset, as ever. 
Will smile o'er the farewell of day. 

For the longest day hastes to its ending, — 
The darkest night speeds to the day; — 
O'er thickest clouds, ever, the sunbeam 
Shines on with unfaltering ray; — 
Though thou walk amid shadows, thy Father 
Makes His word and his promises thine; 
And, whatever the storms that may gather, 
At length thro' the gloom He will shine! 

Pamelia Sarah Yule (1826 - 1897) Canada
Source: Poems of the Heart and Home by Mrs. J. C. Yule (Pamela S. Vining), Bengough, Moore & Co., 1881

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