
Saturday 27 May 2023

What a time the great sea - Anonymous (South Uist)

What a time the great sea
Was a grey mossy wood
I was a joyous little maiden
My wholesome morning meal
Traditional house, near Howmore, South Uist
Image copyruight Ⓒ Bruce Levitan, 2023

The dulse of the ‘Rock of Agir’
And the wild garlic of ‘Sgoth’
The water of ‘Loch a Cheann Dubhain’
And the fish of ‘Ionnaire-mor’
These would be my choice sustenance
As long as I would live.

I would sow my nine lovely rigs of lint
In the trim glen of Corradale
And I would lift my skirtful of nuts
      Between the two Torarnises.

Anonymous (16th century) Scotland
Translated by Alexander Carmichael
Source: Carmina Gadelica Hymns and Incantations With Illustrative Notes on Words, Rites, and Customs,
Dying and Obsolete : Orally Collected in the Highlandand Islands of Scotland, Volume II, Translated by by Alexander Carmichael, Oliver and Boyd, 1928, P. 283
Fragment of poem (circa 1550-I625)

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