
Sunday 30 April 2023

Zoroaster devoutly questions Ormazd - Zoroaster

This I ask Thee — tell it to me truly, Lord! 
Who the Sire was, Father first of Holiness? 
Who the pathway for the sun and stars ordained? 
Who, through whom its moon doth wax and wane again? 
This and much else do I long, O God, to know. 

This I ask Thee — tell it to me truly, Lord! 
Who set firmly earth below, and kept the sky 
Sure from falling? Who the streams and trees did make? 
Who their swiftness to the winds and clouds hath yoked? 
Who, O Mazda, was the Founder of Good Thought? 

This I ask Thee — tell it to me truly, Lord! 
Who, benignant, made the darkness and the light? 
Who, benignant, sleep and waking did create? 
Who the morning, noon, and evening did decree 
As reminders to the wise, of duty's call? 

Zoroaster [Zaraθuštra or Zarathustra] (5th century BC) Iran
Translated by A. V. Williams Jackson 
Source: World's great religious poetry, Caroline Miles Hill, The Macmillan company, 1923

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