
Saturday 1 April 2023

The Pleiades at midnight - Carsten Hauch

We are the nightly weavers 
who gather the invisible threads 
from the Milky Way's outmost ring 
where the end of the loom stands. 

Hovering apparitions, 
whose flight no bird 
can ever equal. 

For us, Time hardly has begun, 
although the ephemerae of worlds, 
newly spawned, 
streaming atoms in the immense ether, 
dream of aeons and eternities; 
and think that the end is come, 
though not yet have they completed 
a single orbit 
round the firmly linked Daughters of Atlas, 
the bright-eyed 
whose glance gleams through the veil, 
and who carry the weight of innumerable worlds 
and who are like to swelling grapes 
from which streams the wine of life. 

What you call a thousand years 
is hardly a cloven second 
too short for the glance of our eyes 
to reach the nearest among our daughters 
circling in the ring of the Milky Way. 

For us your longest sorrow 
is barely one beat of an ephemera's wing 
before quick death. 

Yet we are also the children of Time, 
and even the longest courses 
in which shining worlds revolve 
count as nothing 
against the invisible circle of Eternity 
which the hours never draw near; 
and although we measure them 
as millions of years, 
they are only a stream 
dried by a hot summer's day 
compared to the unfathomable Ocean of Infinity 
in the realm of the uplifted spirits 
released from the weight of Time.

[Johannes] Carsten Hauch (1790 – 1872) Denmark
Transalted by Samuel Foster Damon
Source: A book of Danish verse by Oluf Friis, Samuel Foster Damon & Robert Silliman Hillyer, The American-Scandinavian foundation, 1922

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