
Wednesday 1 February 2023

Women of Africa - Ahmed Sékou Touré

Women of Africa,
Women of the Revolution!
You will rise up to apex
You will journey endlessly
At a walking pace of the social Revolution,
To the rhythm of cultural progress,
In the train of economic boom
To the great and beautiful city 
Of the exacting ends
And were in leading 
Your brothers, your husbands and your children...

Women of Africa, 
Women of the Revolution!
Equality is not offered,
It must be conquered.
To emancipate the women 
Is to rid the society
Of its blemishes, its deformities.
The conquest of science,
The mastery of Technics 
Will open to the Women the way
That of intra-social combat 
Rendering her "subject and no longer object".

Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922 - 1984) Guinea

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