
Saturday 11 February 2023

The Single Minded Nature - Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke

Nature, with romantic monoty
plans the spring of our life
copying its own adolescent dreams.
Flowers, flowers slightly different
in colour and flourishing moments
flowers that with their movements signify
the noble origin of a garden
or the wildness of vegetation.
Winds travel
hair blows about
breasts open to the sun
and immediately the traces of kisses dry out.
Spring, so close to the beginning
to greenery, to bees;
the voice of the universe is always youthful.
Yet how monotonous, how boring
this endless light of life
that you will never see cut off
and the more it repeats itself
the more grateful you are

     — ❋❋❋ —

While the sunset
offers so much variety!
Every soul imagines it differently
and it will be different when it comes
in a different moment, dressed in a different way
emitting some kind of mystery perhaps.
Purple clouds deceive you
and when they succumb
to their black self
you think that it was all your imagination
that you had poetically conceived
another utopia.
In essence it is the end the one
that never experience the monotony
of existence
the repetition of the self.

Katerina Anghelaki-Rooke (1939 - 2020) Greece

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