
Wednesday 15 February 2023

Simplicity - Jorge Luis Borges

The garden gate swings open,
gently, like a page in a book
that I have often questioned,
and deep in my own vision
there is no need to look
upon any of the objects
that memory
has already completed.

I know the souls and the customs,
the dialects of allusions
that humanity has strung together.
And I have no need to speak
or claim false privilege.
They know me well around here.
They know my sorrows and my weaknesses.
And I know what it means
to attain heaven’s highest blessing:
not to be admired or victorious,
but simply to be accepted
as a part of undeniable reality
like the stones and the trees.

Jorge Luis Borges (1899 – 1986) Argentina
Translated by Paul Weinfield

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