
Saturday 18 February 2023

Advice in Three Sets of Three - Butön Rinchen Drup

To shun even minor misdeeds as if they were poisonous,
To strive to cultivate virtue even when it is challenging,
To overcome thoughts rooted in self-clinging—
One who adopts these three is learned indeed.

To take others’ misdeeds and sufferings upon oneself,
To give away one’s own virtue and happiness to others,
To meditate continually on emptiness and compassion—
One who adopts these three is a bodhisattva.

To recognise whatever appears as the deity’s illusory form,
To be aware in bliss, clarity and absence of thought,
To meditate on guru yoga, the source of blessings—
One who adopts these three is a mantra adept.

Butön Rinchen Drup (1290–1364) Tibet
Translated by Adam Pearcey 

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