
Wednesday 25 January 2023

Prelude to hope - Vicente Huidobro

You sing and sing you talk and talk
And roll on through time
And weep like a wild lily
And sigh in long uncertain gasps that don’t know what to say
At times too you laugh with your bones from the great night
Articulated correctly in the skeleton
Fixed to their bit of earth greeting the sky.
Beg approval for your high interests
In the land of hope which awakens in your ribs
Beg lessons from the tree accused by its excesses
And its wings accustomed to whatever difficulty
Listen to the river’s departure listen to the shadow inside the flower

You sing and sing you talk and talk
And you dream that the species will forget darkness
Soon soon forgetting your weeping
Tears armed with such a distant light
Like numbered animals emerging from the sea
Soon forgetting so many desired shadows
Soon the future of horizons that know your passion

You sing and sing
And you have a voice stored up
You have a voice with some painful sides
And some impatient corners
And drops of stars lost by its tender heart
You have waterfalls in your most thoughtful regions
You have objects converted into glass in the depths of your eyes
You have roads born for the dark sound of your throat
You can make a knot of gates with your enigmas
And just like that unleash time amongst the sounds and portents
You can give a part of it to your light there on the road

You talk and talk
And we already know that it’s like the sound of the rain
Falling headfirst onto the fields

Vicente Huidobro (1893 - 1948) Chile
Translated by Tony Frazer
Source: Vicente Huidobro Selected Poems, Edited by Tony Frazer, Translated by Michael Smith & Luis Ingelmo, Eliot Weinberger and Tony Frazer, Shearsman Books, 2019

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