
Friday 16 December 2022

No Need to Savor Youth - Na Hyeseok

Her flesh is soft, soft
her skin radiant
her hair silky black
her eyes sparkling, sparkling
her ears astute
her words alive
her frame lean
her manner impulsive
like a sparrow
like a swallow
like a parrot
like a peacock

With age
her wrinkles show
her skin darkens
her hair grays
her hearing fades
her eyes dim
her speech slows
her body slouches
her gait stalls
like a giraffe
like a bear
like a buffalo

Gone are the many days
promised by youth
As old age comes
death is near

How do I not savor youth?
If youth was of the future,
But, youth is of the past
So, no use in what is lost
I was dreamy

With age, I am
strong and patient

Let the reckless past be wasted
Well spent years forgotten
No need to savor youth
Let me welcome what comes with age.

Na Hyeseok [pen name Jeongwol] (1896 - 1948) South Korea
Translated by Tanya Ko Hong
Source: Lunch Ticket
The translator Tanya Ko Hong is herself a poet. You can find her at and on Instagram@tanyakohong. She was born in South Korea and lives in a bicoastal (LA & New York)  in the USA. She has an MFA in poetry from Antioch University. Tanya is the author of four poetry collections, most recently The War Still Within: Poems of the Korean Diaspora (KYSO Flash Press, 2019),

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