
Sunday 11 December 2022

God Is Not Mad At Me - Olufunke Kolapo

Never ask for much from Him
Just to fill my life with love and calm
Same I asked on this fateful day
That left a huge bump on my way

One moment was walking with my friends
Then the next was flat on my rear
The sun glaring down in all his might
Daylight burning with so much hate

Not one of my limbs I could stir
Just drifting in and out of here
As if undetermined to stay or depart
I knew then my life had taken a new turn

Once I caught a glimpse of my loves
The mask on their faces of fear and tears
This breaks my heart so but not a tear
My whole body been rid of all care

A terrible nightmare was my first thought
Or dead and beyond the blue for reward
Hoping I'd wake and have a good laugh
And return to my simple but stunning life

A great miracle I pulled through they said
Like all miracles mine was not exempted
I paid with endless pain and my freedom
My proof of womanhood torn to shred

Must have erred God was my waking notion
To be so wrath to act without compassion
Life behind bars and endless grief His verdict
Else He would shield me from this raging tempest

But then that He still loves me revived my soul
That He really cares made me whole
Could have been six feet beneath the earth
Then I know His plans surpass my thought

With abundant love He enriched my home
The strength and courage to stand the storm
The grace to look beyond this troubled race
And the faith to trust in His guidance

Olufunke Kolapo (born 1980) Nigeria
Olufunke's web site is here

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