
Monday 19 December 2022

Belizean Lullaby - Leo Bradley

Twilight's myriad hues are cov'ring
Windswept lands beside the sea;
While the lofty trees are bowing
Leafy heads about a caye
Where the loving voice of mother
Whispered lullaby to me.

Now as stars serenely glitter
O'er Belizean tropic sand,
And the little lamp lights flicker --
Mother's wrinkled, gentle hand
Will but fondle babe while singing
Lullaby throughout the land.

Here, beside the rushing river
Where the glow worms brightly fly;
There beside the Maya ruin
On a verdant hillock high,
Gentle lips of rustic mothers
Fondly break in lullaby.

And within the fishing hamlet
On a sandy, moonlit isle,
Or below a Cookscomb sunset
From a Carib in her smile,
Silent, stealing strains will echo
Lullaby from mile to mile.

While the Carib sire will linger,
Resting like his Maya friend,
And the city father's finger
Will in sporting pleasure blend,
Mother's voice throughout Belize
Will in lullaby descend.

And beside the magic seaside
Where the wavelets splash and die;
Or on top the Western highlands
Where the cradles kiss the sky,
Little hearts of new Belizeans
Throb to mother's lullaby.

For while laughing heads of palm-trees
Blend with windy ecstasy;
And Belizean tropic nature
Join in glorious melody,
Mother's lullaby will soften
In a perfect rhapsody.

Leo Bradley (1926 - 2001) Belize
Source: Belizean Poets Belize National Library Service, date unknown but possiby 1977

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