
Friday 18 November 2022

烈文 (Lie Wen) - Anonymous

Ye, brilliant and accomplished princess,
Have conferred on me this happiness.
Your favours to me are without limit,
And my descendants will preserve [the fruits of] them.
Be not mercenary nor extravagant in your States,
And the king will honour you.
Thinking of this great service,
He will enlarge the dignity of your successors.
What is most powerful is the being the man; -
Its influence will be felt throughout your States.
What is most distinguished is being virtuous; -
It will secure the imitation of all the princes.
Ah! the former kings are not forgotten!

Anonymous (11th-10th century BC) China
Translated by James Legge

From the classic Chinese Shijing or Shih-ching (Book of Songs or Book of Odes). This is from the oldest section - 周頌 Zhōu sòng (Eulogies of Zhou) in the part: 清廟之什 (Decade Of Qing Miao), song number 269.

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