
Tuesday 25 October 2022

Sonnet - Domingos Maximiano Torres

Mariella, dear, but, O, ungrateful fair!
Look on the sea serene null calmly bright, —
The sky's blue lustre and the sun's clear light
How on its bosom now reflected are!
A sudden storm comes on,—in mountains high
By furious gusts the silvery billows driven,
Seem as they would, while raging up to heaven,
Blot the fair lamp of Phoebus from the sky.
Dear one, how copied to the life in thee
The same perfidious element l see, —
The smile, the look, which fondest hopes can raise!
But let a false suspicion once arise,
Thy face indignant sullen wrath betrays,
Love claps his wings and all the softness flies.

Domingos Maximiano Torres (1748 - 1810) Portugal
Translated by John Adamson
Source: The Poets and Poetry of Europe With Introductions and Biographical Notices by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Cornelius Conway Felton, 1845

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