
Sunday 16 October 2022

O soul, with storms beset - Solomon ibn Gabirol

O soul, with storms beset! 
Thy griefs and cares forget. 
Why dread earth's transient woe, 
When soon thy body in the grave unseen 
Shall be laid low, 
And all will be forgotten then, as though 
It had not been ? 

Wherefore, my soul, be still!
Adore God's holy will,
Fear death's supreme decree.
Thus mayest thou save thyself, and win high aid
To profit thee,
When thou, returning to thy Lord, shalt see
Thy deeds repaid.

Why muse, O troubled soul, 
O'er life's poor earthly goal?
When thou hast fled, the clay 
Lies mute, nor bear'st thou aught of wealth, or might 
With thee that day, 
But, like a bird, unto thy nest away, 
Thou wilt take flight. 

Why for a land lament 
In which a lifetime spent 
Is as a hurried breath? 
Where splendor turns to gloom, and honors show 
A faded wreath, 
Where health and healing soon must sink beneath 
The fatal bow? 

What seemeth good and fair 
Is often falsehood there. 
Gold melts like shifting sands, 
Thy hoarded riches pass to other men 
And strangers' hands, 
And what will all thy treasured wealth and lands 
Avail thee then? 

Life is a vine, whose crown 
The reaper Death cuts down. 
His ever-watchful eyes 
Mark every step until night's shadows fall, 
And swiftly flies 
The passing day, and ah! how distant lies 
The goal of all. 

Therefore, rebellious soul, 
Thy base desires control; 
With scantly given bread 
Content thyself, nor let thy memory stray 
To splendors fled, 
But call to mind affliction's weight, and dread 
The judgment-day. 

Prostrate and humbled go, 
Like to the dove laid low, 
Remember evermore 
The peace of heaven, the Lord's eternal rest. 
When burdened sore 
With sorrow's load, at every step implore 
His succor blest. 

Before God's mercy-seat 
His pardoning love entreat. 
Make pure thy thoughts from sin, 
And bring a contrite heart as sacrifice 
His grace to win 
Then will his angels come and lead thee in 
To Paradise. 

Solomon ibn Gabirol (1021 - 1058) Spain
Translator not stated (there is a list of all the translators on the title page)
Source: The sacred books and early literature of the East; with an historical survey and descriptions
Volume IV: Medieval Hebrew, by Charles Francis Horne, Parke, 1917

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