
Sunday 2 October 2022

A Great and Mighty Wonder - Germanus of Constantinople

 A great and mighty wonder,
a glorious mystery:
a virgin bears an infant
who veils his deity.

Proclaim the Savior's birth:
"To God on high be glory
and peace to all the earth!"

The Word becomes incarnate
and yet remains on high,
and cherubim sing anthems
to shepherds from the sky. 

While thus they sing your monarch,
those bright angelic bands,
rejoice, O vales and mountains,
and oceans, clap your hands.

Since all he comes to ransom,
by all be he adored,
the infant born in Bethl'em,
the Savior and the Lord.

All idols then shall perish
and Satan's lying cease,
and Christ shall raise his scepter,
decreeing endless peace.

Germanus of Constantinople (634-734) Turkey
Translated by John Mason Neale

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