
Saturday 10 September 2022

A Second Charles - John Wade

Our Age strange things hath brought to light,
And time hath chased away the night;
Now doth our Sun his beames display
And shows to us a lightsome day.
     England cheer up, do not repine,
     A second Charles his Sun shall shine.

Black and dark was our morning Star,
As darksome night or far blacker,
A woful change did so increase
Within our little universe:
     England cheer up, do not repine
     A second Charles his Sun shall shine.

But now our bright morning doth arise
And golden hopes doth paint our skies,
Which in our hearts doth comfort breed
Because in heaven it is decreed
     All sorrows let us now refrain
     A second Charls once more shall Reign.

And let us now our selves commit,
To him that doth in Heaven sit:
Our case that he to mind will call
After our sad and great downfall,
     That we this comfort may obtain
     That a second Charles once more may Raign.

He will us govern you shall see,
In Love, and Peace, and Unity:
And from all harms will us defend
'Gainst all that with us do contend.
     Each others love then we shall gain
     When that a second Charles doth Reign.

He shall our King and Shepherd be,
And lead us to felicity:
To us he will example give
Even all the dayes that he doth live.
     And peacefully he will us guide
     Unto those streames that sweetly glide.

And he will us so with love inure,
And cause us for to be secure
From all our forreign enemies,
And all Assaults and Batteries.
     He will our Rightful Cause maintain,
     When that in England he doth Reign.

Light out of darkness is now display'd,
Which was before in darknes laid;
True Oracles shall never fail.
Nor miracles to make men quail:
     Charles shall his Fathers right attain
     Over these Nations for to Reign.

And shall be seated upon his Throne,
Where many years there hath been none
Which is upheld with pillers four,
Justice, and Truth, Mercy, and Power.
     Earthly perfection we then shall gain,
     When that a second Charles doth Reign.

J.W. (possibly John  Wade) (late 17th century) England
Source: The Return of the King: An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center

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