
Tuesday 2 August 2022

Beautiful Girl in the Garden - Odysseus Elytis

You woke the waterdrop of day
Upon the start of the trees' song
Oh how lovely you are
With your joyful hair unbound
And with the fountain open in which you came
For me to year you passing by and living!

Oh how lovely you are
Running with a larkgirl's fluff
around the musk rose that blows at you
The way a sigh blows featherdown
With a great sun in your hair
And with a honeybee in your dance's glow

Oh how lovely you are
With the new soil that you ache for
From root to shadows' summit
among the eucalyptus nets
With half the sky in your eyes
And half in the eyes you love

Oh how lovely you are
As you wake the mill of the winds
and lean your nest to the left
That so much love not go for lost
That not one shadow make complaint
To the Greek butterfly girl you lit

Aloft with your morning-star's gladness
Filled with the east's greenery
Filled with the first-heard birds
Oh how lovely you are
Tossing the waterdrop of day
Upon the start of the trees' song!

Odysseus Elytis (1911 - 1996) Greece
Translated by Jeffrey Carson and Nikos Sarris

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