
Monday 16 May 2022

When Dawn Will Rise - William Joseph Faarax Syad

The distant plains of our loving land
Rise forth into the night
O'er the green vales a sad plaintive moan
Distinctly sounds the light

From the heart of the tropical glades
Echoes a clarion call
The beat of the tom-tom aloud proclaims
Liberty for one and all

My SOMALIA! when shall I behold
The glad auspicious Morn
When thy sons and daughters shall celebrate
The independence dawn

When will that memorable occasion be
By all eagerly cited
When five brothers of Somalia 
Shall stand fast united

Under a single banner our land
Freed from all yoke foreign
Shall rise a noble nation
On her own might and main

O! Liberty! Liberty!
When shall I behold thy arms lovingly open
To enfold our own sweet Motherland
Full of promise and hope

William Joseph Faarax Syad (1930 - 1993) Djibouti
Source: Djibnet [Taken from Khamsine by William Joseph Faarax Syad, Presence Africaine, 1959]

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