
Friday 6 May 2022

Staying at a distance is staying alive - Adelle Barry

Staying at a distance is staying alive
Water, soap, forty seconds
Between two palms of hands
Is stronger than the fear
that paralyses our five continents.

Our world is devastated
But there is a cure for this common concern
This remedy is prevention
Because cleanliness is to the body
what health is to life.

Our world is invaded
We are afraid for us
We are so afraid for our loved ones,
Especially for those little angels on the edge of life
And the wise elders,
whose bodies are already weakened

To love them enough is to take care of yourself,
It is by protecting ourselves
that we save others from this pandemic.
Because hygiene is a universal value
Staying at a distance is staying alive.

Our actions protect
Our actions save the world
Against this shared pain, there is prevention
Against Covid19, there are measures
Let's respect them.

Adelle Barry (born 1993) Niger
Translated by UNICEF

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