
Monday 23 May 2022

My Why in Life - Sarah Tut

Once upon a time my people were illiterate.
My ancestors never wrote their names.
They had no clue how old they were, which year they were born. 
They counted years by season, rainy and hot!
Education did not exist in my ancestor’s time!
Both of my parents never went to school!

I came from a backwards society,
Girls were not allowed to be educated, 
They married
Women were to only have babies and look after men
Their sole purpose to look after family and be property to men!

I couldn’t read or write 13 years ago,
I couldn’t take my child to a doctor’s appointment 12 years ago,
I did not know how big the world is!

I was never told that I can have dreams,
I was never told that I can have a vision
I was never told that I can do great things with my life. 
I was never told that I could have a purpose.
I was never told that I could be more!
But god does not make junk

All of a sudden God reached down to the bottom 
and brought me here to Canada, 
Now I am a person with a new normal!
I want to create my own kind,
My own reality
My own purpose in life, 
My Why, 
My vision, 
My dreams
Set goals 
I have that power. 
I have the passion, commitment, and discipline to get there
I believe God will give me the strength and help me reach my Why
It is hard to be a parent and a student,
It is not fun to be a single mother of four with no support from family 
It is hard to live in a country with no relatives  
It is hard to come to classes when your child is sick, 
It is hard to do assignments when you are juggling between children’s activities and work  
It hard to study when you go to a part time job right after school
It is very difficult to be so alone. 

But My Why in Life has to be bigger that all my excuses. 
Every time I am dealing with unexpected situations, I am reminded about my Why
Every time I feel lost in life and want to quit, my Why motivates me to carry on
No matter what the challenge,  my Why carries me forward 
My life long mission is to make a difference in the world, to help other women feel they have a right to a Why
To support and encourage others 
To listen to those who are hurting 
And to be a blessing to my loved ones and those who care about me.

I want to be used for great things 
And most of all I want to be a solid example to my children! 
I invite my angels to come alongside me, 
step by step in my journey to find my Why.
I ask the universe to guide me in the right directions so I can help others find their Why too.

Sarah Nyanhial Tut (21st century) South Sudan

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