
Thursday 12 May 2022

Congolese Eve - Jean Baptiste Tati-Loutard

I saw her when God created her on the Mountain:
It was a full night, the moon having reached
the fullest level of its light floods.

Before God appeared as He once did on the Horeb,
The grass around was already walking head down
Under the breeze

He took some dirt from some foot,
And the flow – virgin as on the First Day –
In a long moon ray.

In no time it was the turn of the breasts;
And the grace and the spirit spurted from Eve
In dazzling splashes of light.
Then came the signal:

In the naked space, the wind started to turn on itself
As if it hurts not to be able to relax
In a tree. God took the air back in the whirlwind;
And in the silence full of clarity,

The Congolese eve descended towards the river at the time
When the sun comes out closing behind him
The door of the night.

Jean Baptiste Tati-Loutard (1938 - 2009) Republic of the Congo
Translated by Dr. Y.

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