
Thursday 28 April 2022

Where am I from? - Kadia Diarra

Where am I from?
I am from this city where lived ASKIAS1 for centuries
Where am I from?
I am from beautiful city destroyed today by armed Tuareg
I come from that city, where prevails today suffering
This city where a lot of blood is flowing now
This city where our parents and brothers and sisters are in danger
I have mentioned it to the pink dune KOÏMA2
Where am I from?
I come from this town which opens one of its doors to the desert
Where am I from?
I am from this city where women bear children on their back
I am from that city where there are nice traditional dance
I am from this city where there is a danced called the dance of the possessed
Where am I from?
I named it the Warm and Sunny
I am from this city where tes is regularly consumed by our parents
I am from this city where the main food is FAKHOYE3
Where am I from?
I am from this city of the North where there are war and suffering today
Where am I from?
I am from this city, where women with their beautiful hair cut represent the value and beauty of the city
Where am I from?
I come from the city where beautiful women resemble the beauty of the moon that illuminates the afflicted.

Kadia Diarra (21st century) Mali
  1. Askia - a dynasty of the Songhai Empire lasting from 1493 - 1905
  2. Koïma is a village in the Gao Region of south-eastern Mali on the Niger River
  3. Fakoye is a dish originating from northern Mali It is prepared from leaves of kallow, also called Mloukhiya in Arab countries, dried and crushed. The sauce, made black by cooking, is eaten with rice and mutton

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