
Monday 25 April 2022

Asking - Deolinda Rodrigues

Cold-blooded murderer,
commie spy,
woman playing at politics,

They’re calling me all these things
and here I am asking when this nightmare will end,
each time their feet go by,
the military jeep growls,
the bugle sounds reveille.

There’s a new guard at my door.

Is it my turn for the firing squad,
or my comrade in the next cell?

Will the captain take us
now, or never?

Here I am asking,
always asking.

There’s no tunnel in this hellish place, but . . .

Vietnam is putting an end to Yankee cruelty.
Colombia is back on the path to dignity.
Another one explodes in Pretoria. 
But most of all
(with Cienfuegos and Kamy)
is getting closer—

to putting right the ruined;
to sweeping away the colonialist;
to building a logic.

Did Brazza transmit Kamy’s march?

just to keep up
the constant struggle
between lurking suicide
and this insane whirlwind
till morning comes
and I leave this death camp alive
and useful in my freedom
to choose responsibility
and freedom of action
for the realization
of our liberty. 

Deolinda Rodrigues [Deolinda Rodrigues Francisco de Almeida, aka Langidila ("Mother of the Revolution")] (1939 - 1967) Angola
Translated by Chris Daniels
Source: Archival: Revolutionary Poetry from Lusophone Africa Selected & Translated by Chris Daniels, Tripwire, no. 17, 2021

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