
Monday 7 March 2022

The Birth of Poetry - Titsian Tabidze

Sky and earth
make a bridge on Mt. Elbrus.
The mountain’s ringing recalls
the giant who fought Prometheus.
You created the poplar tree
from a lovely Circassian women.
The mountaineer’s cloak
does not tear easily.

Burgundy sky, mountain of wine,
Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains, Russia
the Black Sea soaks the earth.
Elbrus stands, an ancient guard.
The storm grows furious.
I have nothing to fear except the snow
that collects into an avalanche
and melts in my body beneath the sun.

Sky and earth
make a bridge on Elbrus.
The mountain’s ringing recalls
the giant who fought Prometheus.
My heart is buried here.
We await the flood.
Our wings will stay the storm.
We share an abyss,
and wait for time to come.

Titsian Tabidze (1895–1937) Georgia
Translated by Rebecca Gould
Source: Lunch Ticket Issue 9: Summer/Fall 2016

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