
Thursday 3 March 2022

Lines to Fanon I - Jennifer Rahim

You insisted you spoke for your time.
Well, it is now, Fanon. Like foolish masons,
we build on the sand of false hierarchies,
prejudices of all kinds mixed with mortar,
walls erected to divide, not house us all –
strangers to each other.
Listen, the earth is noisy with the hell
of its construction: nations clone democracy
with war, religions sacrifice faith to dogma,
innocence murdered on the altar
of horrid passions.
Carrion time, brother!
No people here, just a sad company of ghosts
huddled together, doors bolted, keeping dry
from the storm of our colossal failure
to love larger than any creed
we venerate or hate.
Pray, imperfect saint,
we finally leap the gate.

Jennifer Rahim (born 1963) Trinidad and Tobago
Source: Zocalo Poets (from her book Ground Level, Peepal press, 2014)
Note: Frantz Fanon was a revolutionary writer from Martinique

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