
Tuesday 22 February 2022

My Dear Hina! - Peni Latu

I shall tell you so that all may know
Of the dream that appeared in my mind
My most precious bread cast upon the water
Drifting further afar and into oblivion

Shamrock, for the day I die
With effortless haste, I shall accept
Death has been of no consequence
Unstoppable, not even by a singing fuiva

The winds blow from the southerly
Taking away with it my dear beloved
But true is the saying of the poet
Easier defeated than to be laughed at

The bud of love is disoriented
As rightful dues for my guarded love
Only to be told by the disciple
A lover’s girdle is none other than death

If only they were real numbers
So that I can match them in pairs
Pity, though, they stand in disarray
Deciding now, I would rather fall in battle

My heart aches foolishly with memories
Of our special relationship once vowed
Bidding farewell, dear sacred pandanus fruit
My ship now sails forth into the deep sea,
breaking into the waves

My dear Hina, may you please gently surface
So we can converse for I must return
To be lost amidst the spray of breaking waves
As my heart is madly in love with you

Peni Latu (1912 - 1967) Tonga
Translated by 'Okusitino Māhina

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