
Wednesday 2 February 2022

Fallen Leaves - Mariama Khan

The moon heaves under a scarlet night
Sorrow on her chest
Yesterday’s song was hollow and grey
The leaves fall in slow silence
Like snow flakes
Spring mends the feud within the heart
The laborious hands of time
Will repaint the foot prints to re-awaken the soul.

Again like broken /glasses/ dreams life stumbles apart
The ghosts shadow the walk way
Evenings return in their shroud of melancholy
My last tears will quench the thirst of a desert flower
If the sun is not tired of its west ward journey
The phoenix will rise again
The caravan will meet the oasis
Make a new home of green trees and sunny skies.

Life stumbles apart like broken glasses
The ghosts shadow the walk way
Evenings return with a shroud of melancholy
Last tears quench the thirst of a desert flower
If the sun is not tired of its west ward journey
“The phoenix will rise again”
The oasis meets the caravan to make a new home
Of green trees and sunny skies.

Mariama Khan (Born 1977) Gambia
Source: My Hero

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