
Monday 13 December 2021

The Advent candles - Inger Hagerup

Then we light a candle tonight,
we light it for joy.
It stands shining by itself
and for us who are present..
Then we light a candle tonight,
we light it for joy.

Then we light two candles tonight,
two candles for hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves
and for us who are present..
Then we light two candles tonight,
two candles for hope and joy.

Then we light three candles tonight
for longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves
and for us who are present..
Then we light three candles tonight
for longing, hope and joy.

We light four lights this evening
and let them burn down
for yearning, joy, hope and peace,
but most, still, (we do it)
for peace on this small earth
where the humans live.

Inger Hagerup (1905–1985) Norway
Translated by Bjørn A. Bojesen

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