
Friday 17 December 2021

City Sunset - Celestine Kulagoe

At six
the sun sets
escorted by puffs of blushing clouds,
distributing its last golden wealth
to the immediate heaven
while the whole cosmos
turns green and blue with envy
The mountains stretching —
a huge black cat
motionless on a blue watery carpet
eyes red green and white
staring into the evening.
The moon,
a silent diamond ring
in the sky,
hangs precariously
while beneath it,
like a glittering jewel
cushioned by the blue carpet,
the humming city nestles cosily to rest.

Celestine [Celo] Kulagoe (20th century) Solomon Islands
Source: Some Modern Poetry from the Solomon Islands, edited by Albert Wendt, Mana Publications, 1975

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