
Tuesday 12 October 2021

Whoever Comes From The Earth - Nelly Sachs

comes from the Earth
reaching for the moon
other heavenly mineral flower –
will soar high
wounded by blasts
of memory
shot from the explosive burst of yearning
out of Earth’s painted night
his winged prayers arise
out of daily destructions
seeking the inner pathways of the eyes.

Craters and arid seas
filled with tears
travelling through starry stations
escaping from dust and ashes.

Everywhere the Earth
is building its colonies of homesickness.
Not to land
on the oceans of addicted blood
only to sway
in the luminous music of ebb and flood
only to sway
to the rhythm of the unscathed
mark of eternity:
life – death –

Nelly Sachs (1891 - 1970) Sweden
Translated by Catherine Sommer
Source: Poems of Nelly Sachs in English © Catterel and Catherine Sommer (2013)

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