
Tuesday 19 October 2021

the singapore i love - john tiong chunghoo

the Singapore i love is 
when the city holds up
its clouds, playing pom 
pom girls postponing
a drizzle so that the trees 
in the lanes and streets
- with their intermittent 
swinging branches and 
leaves - could hum songs 
of cheers to those walking 
hand in hand savouring 
the warmth in each others' eyes

the Singapore I love is one
modern metropolis that holds 
tightly onto to its past treasuring 
it like a confidante she could draw 
strength and inspiration whenever
she is lost in the sea of ideas, home 
or abroad, techno or cultures, 
fashion, culinary, pop or arts that
tiptoe, waltz, jive, foxtrot, tango, cha cha, 
pirouette, twirl and swirl into Singaporeans' mind

the way they still call China Town 
Ngu Chia Jui (Bullock Cart Water) 
which invariably transports us back to those 
years when life was tough like a buffalo's
even water was not easy to get
rationed, and distributed by Indian 
workers who everyday came shouting 
water water on bullock carts
Or the Samsui Cha Bo 
(women with the red headgear) 
solid and strong as granite amazons 
who still bow and carry
the City of Lion on their backs
The city they too helped
build up brick by brick, sweat and tears

Or the Tekka, Tekka (below the bamboos) 
they still use to call the entrance to Little India
the bamboos are no more an icon there
but how can you forget such pristine
gifts of heaven, such auspicious growth metaphors? 
Singapore that has inched and risen fast as a 
million bamboo shoots to wave in reflection of its humble roots? 
Serangoon, Serangoon, Little India, Little India
Even Shah Rukh Khan and Asywara Rai love 
to tekka tekka here now

And Kandang Kerbau Women's 
and Children's Hospital (Cattle Coop) 
well wind back Singapore 15,000 days
and you would hear cattle bleating
and Indians workers careering round your
young smiling pregnant wives or 
newly blessed babies smiling in 
the warm arms of their mothers

now dont ever slight the place, 
or its namesake for this 'Cattle Coop' 
has helped deliver half the city's lions 
and lionesses who are all ready to take
on the world, cattle or wolves

john tiong chunghoo (born 1960) Sarawak (Malaysia)
Source: Poetry Atlas

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