
Saturday 16 October 2021

The Collapse of Power - Saw Wai

under this sha-manic sky
with its favourable spirits and forks of lightning
why do unknown numbers
dance into obscurity?

Armstrong! oh Armstrong!
are there multi-coloured cauldrons
in the centre of your iris?
how sublime your iris!

in this most totemic of pressure-cookers
there is: 
 no Thomas Edison
 no Kanaung prince
 no Thein Pe Myint
 no Jack London
 no Vincent Van Gogh
 no Paw Oo Thet
 no Saya Zawgyi
 no Rabindranath Tagore
 no John Lennon
 no Myoma Nyein
 no collegian Ne Win
 no Robert Redford
 no Harold Robbins
 no Ahtoutthaw Hla Aung
 no Thakhin Aung San
 no nothing is there
 no nothing 

(in the cauldron of dreamtime)
how these bubbling mists
of a jungle imagination
are demented and embellished
by the red of

first light

Saw Wai [U Saw Wei] (20th century) Myanmar
Translated by Niall McDevitt.
Source: National Poetry Library (From The Wolf No 17 (Spring 2008))

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