
Tuesday 5 October 2021

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (Quatrains XIII - XXIII) - Omar Khayyám

Look to the Rose that blows about us — 'Lo, 
Laughing' she says, 'into the World I blow; 
At once the silken Tassel of my Purse 
Tear, and its Treasure on the Garden throw.' 

The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon 
Turns Ashes — or it prospers; and anon, 
Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face 
Lighting a little Hour or two — is gone. 

And those who husbanded the Golden Grain, 
And those who flung it to the Winds like Rain, 
Alike to no such aureate Earth are turn'd 
As, buried once. Men want dug up again. 

Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai 
Whose Doorways are alternate Night and Day, 
How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp 
Abode his Hour or two, and went his way, 

They say the Lion and the Lizard keep 
The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep; 
And Bahram, that great Hunter — the Wild Ass 
Stamps o'er his Head, and he lies fast asleep, 

I sometimes think that never blows so red 
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled; 
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears 
Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely Head, 

And this delightful Herb whose tender Green 
Fledges the River's Lip on which we lean — 
Ah, lean upon it lightly ! for who knows 
From what once lovely Lip it springs unseen! 

Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears 
To-day of past Regrets and future Fears — 
To-morrow?  — Why, To-morrow I may be 
Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years, 

Lo! some we loved, the loveliest and best 
That Time and Fate of all their Vintage prest, 
Edmund Dulac
Cover illustration
Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before, 
And one by one crept silently to Rest 

And we, that now make merry in the Room 
They left, and Summer dresses in new Bloom, 
Ourselves must we beneath the Couch of  Earth 
Descend, ourselves to make a Couch — for whom? 

Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend. 
Before we too into the Dust descend ; 
Dust into Dust, and under Dust, to lie. 
Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and — sans End! 

Omar Khayyám (1048–1131) Iran
Translated by Edward FitzGerald
Source: Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám by Omar Khayyam; Translated by Edward FitzGerald, H.W. Bell, 1901

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