
Sunday 24 October 2021

Mortis Portis Fractis Fortis - Peter the Venerable

Lo, the gates of death are broken, 
And the strong man arm'd is spoil'd, — 
Of his armour, which he trusted. 
By the stronger arm despoil'd. 
Vanquish'd is the prince of hell, 
Smitten by the Cross he fell. 

Then the purest light resplendent 
Shone those seats of darkness through, 
When, to save whom He created, 
God will'd to create anew. 

That the sinner might not perish. 
For him the Creator dies. 
By whose death our dark lot changing, 
Life again for us doth rise. 

Satan groan'd, defeated then, 
When the Victor ransom'd men; 
Fatal was to him the strife, 
Unto man the source of life; 
Captured as he seized his prey, 
He is slain as he would slay. 

Thus the King all hell hath vanquish'd 
Gloriously and mightily; 
On the first day leaving Hades, 
Victor He returns on high; 

With Himself mankind upraising, 
When He rose from out the grave, 
Thus restoring what creating 
In its origin He gave. 

By the sufferings of his Maker, 
To his perfect Paradise 
The first dweller thus returneth; 
Wherefore these glad songs arise. 

Peter the Venerable [Peter of Montboissier] (c. 1092 – 1156) France
Translated by Elizabeth R. Charles
Source: Great hymns of the middle ages, compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd
Compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd, The Century co., 1909

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