
Friday 29 October 2021

Forgotten - Enrique Cadícamo

They killed poor Contreras!
They had just gotten married—can you believe it?
Juan Luz Mala jumped over the gate
and went to steal him from his own wife…
The deed was done on the patio of his ranch—
the wedding feast was quite splendid
but suddenly two daggers turned
that joy into a scene of horror.

“This is nothing, my gaucho girl
don’t be afraid, my darling…
As the two of us fought,
our daggers got away.
An icy cold wind
has come to hit me,
here, on this side,
right by my heart…
Bring me some flowers,
come to visit me,
the earth is too cold
to be forgotten…
Bye bye, my gaucho girl!
I will be waiting for you!
I’m going soon,
I am a dead man now!”

And so it is that on stormy nights
you can clearly feel the dead man’s voice
calling out to her: Lucinda!
I am so lonely, come be by my side!

Enrique Cadícamo (1900 - 1999) Argentina
Translated by Derrick Del Pillar

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